More than 25 years experience in the field of comprehensive installations, a team of highly qualified professionals and the confidence in belonging to a large Group, support us in performing installations in buildings of all type and singularity, as can be hospitals and health centres, all kinds of public and administrative buildings, schools and universities, public places such as theatres, museums, cinemas, etc., sports facilities, airports and prisons, hotel complexes and residences, shopping centres and all types of industrial buildings (industries, factories, logistics centres, water treatment plants, co-generation plants, etc.).

Our teams of multidisciplinary professionals are in charge of executing projects that include all types of electrical, mechanical and special installations, being a leading company, both in the execution of large projects or unique projects, due to the great technical and economic capacity of the group; as in all types of installations and minor projects, where our great infrastructure and extensive network of delegations allow us to carry them out at very competitive prices, offering our clients a very close and high-quality service.
According to 2020 figures, we have more than 500 MW of power, more than 7,000 panels and more than 350,000 installed lights.
In the midst of a pandemic, Eiffage Energía Sistemas´s carried out the design, implementation, coordination and execution of the field hospital facilities at the Albacete Faculty of Medicine.
Eiffage Energía Sistemas´s experience in installations with a high level of technical difficulty allowed this project to be carried out in record time, three days, and with the best guarantees.
We carry out the design, detailed engineering, implementation and start up of any type of project.“
Services we provide
Electrical installations:
LV installations, transformer centres, voice and data networks, fibre optics, WiFi systems, CCTV, burglary and theft systems, public address system, access control, carbon monoxide detection, centralised management systems, intelligent lighting installations, manufacturing and assembly of all types of automation and electrical panels, photovoltaic roof installations, etc.
Mechanical installations:
Installation of air conditioning and ventilation, heating and hot water systems, plumbing and sanitation networks, steam generating installations, compressed air and vacuum networks, cleanroom conditioning and installation of medical gases in healthcare facilities, centralised management systems, energy efficiency projects, trigeneration, geothermal power, etc. Eiffage Energía Sistemas has a big experience specialising in all kinds of mechanical installations, being a national benchmark in this type of installation.
Fire protection:
Fire hydrant network (BIES equipped fire hydrants), hydrant network, automatic sprinklers, dry columns and water curtains. Water mist extinguishing and fire fighting equipment through foam insulation, fire extinguishers, automatic detection systems (optical, thermal, by suction, light barriers, etc.), safety signs, zoning, fire dampers,...

Among our references are the following:
- Large Banks (CaixaBank, Bankia, BBVA, B. Sabadell, etc.).
- Industrial customers (Iberdrola Eurocopter, Grupo Lactalis, Becton & Dickinson, etc.)
- Public administrations (Ministries, Municipalities, Councils, etc.)
- Business sector (Mercadona, Lidl, Aldi, Rodanco, etc.)
- Large public companies, AENA (Spanish National Airports Agency), ADIF (Spanish Administrator of Railway Infrastructures), prisons, etc.
- Ministries of Health of Aragon, Castilla la Macha, Madrid, etc.
- Hotel and residential sector (AC Hotels, Sarquavitae, Zenit Hotels, Paradors, etc.).

Sistemas de control
Esta actividad se desarrolla a través de nuestra Filial Inelbo, por medio de su departamento de Sistemas de Gestión y Automatización, SGA. El departamento, formado por un grupo joven y emprendedor, apuesta por la tecnología con el fin de aportar soluciones innovadoras que mejoran la producción y sistematizan los procesos.

SGA Solutions® es una nueva plataforma de software adaptable a todo tipo de procesos de gestión y control. A día de hoy, el departamento cuenta con experiencia en todo tipo de sectores, realizando trabajos desde el sector industrial hasta la automatización de edificios y villas.
SGA Solutions®, a smart investment that optimizes efficiency and simplifies work”
Services we provide
SGA Solutions® está compuesto por cuatro líneas de negocio que se centran en dar soluciones de automatización para entornos empresariales, sistemas de control de edificios y hogares, y sistemas de gestión fotovoltaicos.
Sistemas multiprotocolo para la gestión integral del edificio desde un software centralizado. Soluciones totalmente personalizadas a las necesidades del cliente obteniendo mejoras de seguridad, eficacia energética, accesibilidad y control.
Sistemas hechos a medida para la gestión y control de la vivienda. Diseño de sistemas domóticos a medida con productos fiables, gran funcionalidad y una estética que se adapta a las necesidades del cliente.
Sistemas de recogida e integración de datos de producción, costes y procesos en tiempo real. Gestiona y accede a ellos desde cualquier lugar con las Apps de control y monitorización.
Sistemas de control de control y monitorización de instalaciones fotovoltaicas. Conoce el y gestiona a tiempo real a través de la aplicación, el estado de tus instalaciones y tus puntos críticos.