Sustainability Ecosystem. Integrated offer
Our understanding of ‘Sustainability Ecosystem’ is the system formed by the set of our capabilities and the environment in which they can generate value by contributing to the reduction of emissions through supply. Depending on the scope and complexity, we can identify three levels or scales, each of which includes the previous one: BUILDING – COMMUNITY – CITY.
Framed within the Sustainability Ecosystem, Eiffage Energía Sistemas offers different ‘Integrated Solutions’ through the incorporation of different capabilities and expertise. Solutions tailored to the needs of each client, which represent a HUB of our current and future activities, as a mechanism to help the energy transition from a systemic point of view, through a process of Continuous Improvement based on the strategy REDUCE > OPTIMISE > DECARBONISE.
A process of Continuous Improvement supported transversally through Innovation, Digitalisation, Training and Financing Management, aimed at obtaining ‘Generated Value’ in terms of decarbonisation, energy efficiency, cost reduction, operational optimisation, corporate reputation, best practices, among others.

As an integrator of city and sustainable infrastructure, we seek to leverage the Group’s expertise to formulate a real low-carbon offer in terms of sustainable cities and infrastructure
Benoît de Ruffray
Chairman and CEO of Eiffage
Buildings with improved energy control and performance
Buildings and the activities performed there account for a large share of global consumption and emissions and in most cases are not energy optimised. Optimising the operation of facilities, replacing them with more efficient elements, changing the use of equipment, implementing circular economy and recycling solutions, or self-consumption through renewable energies and storage, can lead to great savings in energy consumption and a significant leap in the decarbonisation of buildings.
Our solutions enable asset managers or facility owners to make reductions in energy consumption while preserving the environment, comfort of occupants and their operational requirements. Its advantages lie in maximising user comfort, controlling and optimising consumption, reducing overall operating costs, improving the sustainability of its activity, enhancing the value of its assets and improving its corporate image.

Communities developed around the self-management of their own energy
Energy communities emerge as a perfect solution to solve the needs of end users in terms of sustainability, providing citizens (whether individuals, companies or public administration) the possibility of grouping together to take advantage of social benefits and economic savings in actions of generation, distribution and efficient energy consumption, in addition to the decarbonisation of their mobility through the electrification of vehicles and the development of efficient and intelligent recharging infrastructure.
Eiffage Energía Sistemas provides support in the development of energy communities, helping them to define the governance plan, analysing the opportunities and technical and regulatory limitations, jointly creating with future partners the most appropriate model to achieve their objectives, providing shared solutions in terms of renewable energy, sustainable mobility and improving the energy efficiency of the communities.

More efficient cities, towards a sustainable urban model
Cities and their activity represent most global emissions and their huge complexity makes it necessary to use advanced tools to manage all the processes involving citizens. Smart Cities are the result of the increasingly imperative need to focus our lives on sustainability. These cities use infrastructure, innovation and technology to reduce energy consumption and emissions, optimise water and waste management and digitalise their administration and security, to improve the life quality of their citizens.
Eiffage solutions offer all the necessary tools to develop smarter and more sustainable cities, combining proximity and responsiveness, expertise and a global approach to needs. From design to implementation and maintenance, we cover all needs related to the comfort and living environment of citizens and meet the mobility and security needs of cities with video surveillance and smart signage solutions, monitoring and improving relevant quality of life indicators on an ongoing basis.