EIFFAGE ENERGÍA SISTEMAS has maintained over time the conviction that a company’s Culture of Quality and respect for the environment are fundamental factors for its proper functioning and that only on this basis can its development and competitiveness be achieved.
Our company, working in this sense, has the AENOR Company Registration certificate, in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 9001 standard. This concession is made after subjecting the EIFFAGE ENERGÍA SISTEMAS Quality Management System to strict audits carried out by AENOR.
To confirm its commitment to sustainable environmental and energy development, it also has the UNE-EN ISO 14001 certification in environmental management, as well as the Energy Management System certificate according to the UNE-EN ISO 50001 standard.
Since 2012, the Eiffage Energía Sistemas group has been certified OHSAS 18001:2007 for an occupational risk prevention management system. In 2019 we transposed to ISO 45,001, the international standard for occupational health and safety management systems. Safety is the Eiffage Group’s top priority.

In the specific area of Electromedicine, EIFFAGE ENERGÍA SISTEMAS has implemented a Quality Management System for medical devices, recently certified in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 13485 Standard for the management and maintenance of equipment for electromedical use in health centers. All these certifications are indicators of our determination to be a benchmark in management excellence, and confirm that our work procedures comply with internationally recognized standards, as they are integrated into the IQNET international network.
Similarly, the Eiffage Energía Sistemas Comprehensive Maintenance Area has obtained the AENOR certificate for Quality Management and Environmental Management Systems for comprehensive maintenance activities (conductive, preventive, corrective and predictive) of facilities, equipment and infrastructure in the buildings of three Health Departments attached to the Department of Universal Health and Public Health of the Valencian Community, which include the Hospital Centers of Sagunto, Clínico-Malvarrosa and Orihuela, and their associated buildings.
Todas estas certificaciones son indicadores de nuestro empeño en ser referentes en la excelencia en la gestión.”