We already know the winners of the 1st Photography Contest aimed at the workers of the Eiffage Energía Group, under the theme “Committed to sustainability, biodiversity and the environment”.
The award-winning photos (1st prize, 2nd prize and 10 second prizes) will be the protagonists of the Eiffage Energía 2023 calendar. In total, there have been 46 participants and some 236 works presented, since each participant could present a maximum of six works.
From Eiffage Energía we want to thank the participation of our workers who, as always, are committed to our company and all our initiatives.
The winners have been:
1st place (250€) – Orlando Fanjul Regueira: “LA CHARCA, FRANCISCO PIZARRO”.

2st placeo (150€) – Olmo Velasco Gómez: “PODER CONVIVIR”.

Accésits (50€ each)

Silvia Erviti Palacios “Maniobra en apoyo eléctrico en Oskotz”
The jury was made up of two workers from Eiffage Energía with professional, creative photographic criteria and technical quality, and an external professional photographer.
The works will always have their own authorship and will be transferred to the Eiffage Energía Group for their use. The company may later use them for cultural, artistic or advertising purposes, always citing the author’s name and adhering, in any case, to the provisions of the Intellectual Property Law.