Eiffage Energía Sistemas has received a Mention from the Spanish Association Against Cancer in Albacete for the collaboration initiative in its 2024 Breast Cancer Campaign #ElRosaEsMásQueUnColor (#PinkIsMoreThanJustAColour).
This initiative consisted of the purchase of 5,100 pink highlighters to raise awareness among all our workers, who will receive them as Christmas presents.
The vice-president and treasurer of the AECC in Albacete, Enrique Saiz-Pardo, presented this recognition to our CEO, José Manuel Martínez, on 22 November, at the Hotel Palacio Albacete Spa, during the association’s annual charity dinner.
Commitment and awareness
José Manuel Martínez thanked Eiffage Energía Sistemas for this mention, highlighting the company’s commitment to the association and its cause. In this respect, he explained that the company is very aware of the fight against cancer, praising the work in raising awareness and prevention carried out by the AECC in Albacete.
Eiffage Energía Sistemas carries out activities with its staff aimed at raising awareness and prevention, such as workshops to stop smoking, because “health and prevention are part of our company’s principles”.
Activities that are the result of a Framework Agreement, signed this year, with the aim of joining forces in the fight against this disease, by which we undertake to inform and raise awareness, promoting the adoption of healthy lifestyle habits for the prevention of cancer. This is achieved through the support and dissemination of the campaigns and actions of the AECC; as well as any other activity that benefits those affected by the disease, or aims to prevent cancer.
Pink highlighters, the focal point of the Christmas gifts
Martínez highlighted that this year the pink highlighters will be the focal point of the Christmas gift for all our workers. In addition, we have uploaded the breast cancer screening video to the digital screens, located at various points of the headquarters in Albacete, to raise awareness among the entire workforce and promote their participation in this campaign.
“For Eiffage Energía Sistemas, pink is more than just a colour and it is pink all year round,” concluded the CEO of Eiffage Energía Sistemas.

Nearly 30% of cancers diagnosed in women
In Spain, around 35,312 new breast cancers will be diagnosed in 2023, according to estimates by the Cancer Observatory of the Spanish Association Against Cancer, equivalent to almost 30% of the cancers diagnosed in women.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer and causes the greatest number of deaths among the female population in Spain. However, it should be noted that, thanks to population screening programmes, many of these tumours are being diagnosed at an early stage, enabling treatments that are more effective.
By collaborating with the breast campaign, we promote the 92 breast cancer research projects under development by the Spanish Association Against Cancer.
With these mentions, the AECC honours the people and institutions that do so much in the fight against cancer.

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